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Stock2cart.com is committed to removing infringing products from the site. To facilitate this, Stock2cart has put in place a ‘Stock2cart Infringement Verification’ process so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in Stock2cart's interest to ensure that infringing products are removed from the site, as they erode Buyer and Seller trust.


Stock2cart respects third party Intellectual Property rights and actively supports protection of all third party Intellectual Property including Copyrights and Trademarks (“IP”). It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged IP infringement.

If we receive proper notification of IP infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity.

How to report a listing

If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you may follow the below process: We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to infringement@stock2cart.com.The email should contain the below information.

  1. Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed.
  2. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on www.stock2cart.com with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  3. (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  4. Your address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
  7. Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement).
  8. Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)benefit.
" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(20) "Report Infringenment" ["meta_description"]=> string(20) "Report Infringenment" ["page_title"]=> string(20) "Report Infringenment" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["page_sitemap"]=> string(0) "" ["ab__custom_page_h1"]=> string(0) "" ["custom_header"]=> string(0) "" ["ab__emd_alternative_name"]=> string(0) "" ["seo_name"]=> string(20) "report-infringenment" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["poll"]=> bool(false) ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["ab__mcd_descs"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["main"]=> bool(true) ["title"]=> string(11) "Description" ["description"]=> string(3159) "


Stock2cart.com is committed to removing infringing products from the site. To facilitate this, Stock2cart has put in place a ‘Stock2cart Infringement Verification’ process so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in Stock2cart's interest to ensure that infringing products are removed from the site, as they erode Buyer and Seller trust.


Stock2cart respects third party Intellectual Property rights and actively supports protection of all third party Intellectual Property including Copyrights and Trademarks (“IP”). It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged IP infringement.

If we receive proper notification of IP infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity.

How to report a listing

If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you may follow the below process: We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to infringement@stock2cart.com.The email should contain the below information.

  1. Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed.
  2. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on www.stock2cart.com with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  3. (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  4. Your address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
  7. Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement).
  8. Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)benefit.
" } } ["ab__mcd_object"]=> bool(false) }
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Infringenment ​Policy​


Stock2cart.com is committed to removing infringing products from the site. To facilitate this, Stock2cart has put in place a ‘Stock2cart Infringement Verification’ process so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in Stock2cart's interest to ensure that infringing products are removed from the site, as they erode Buyer and Seller trust.


Stock2cart respects third party Intellectual Property rights and actively supports protection of all third party Intellectual Property including Copyrights and Trademarks (“IP”). It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged IP infringement.

If we receive proper notification of IP infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity.

How to report a listing

If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you may follow the below process: We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to infringement@stock2cart.com.The email should contain the below information.

  1. Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed.
  2. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on www.stock2cart.com with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  3. (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  4. Your address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
  7. Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement).
  8. Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)benefit.
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string(20) "Report Infringenment"
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      string(79) "India's No.1 Online Store for Power Generation, Conditioning & Backup, Security"
      string(194) "India's No.1 Online Store for Solar BoS Components, Motors, Wires, Cables, LV Switchgear, UPS, Voltage Stabilizer, Inverter, Electrical Enclosure, Cabinet, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Machine Tools"
      string(20) "stock2cart@gmail.com"
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    array(4) {
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      string(17) "CSCartmultivendor"
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    array(6) {
      array(5) {
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#fafafa"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Background"
          string(50) "The background color of the block with categories."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#000000"
          string(5) "color"
          string(17) "Block title color"
          string(67) "Affects the titles of all blocks, not just the one with categories."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#1cce1c"
          string(5) "color"
          string(15) "Card background"
          string(39) "The background color of category cards."
        array(4) {
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          string(9) "Card text"
          string(37) "The color of text in a category card."
        array(4) {
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          string(6) "number"
          string(19) "Card corners radius"
          string(62) "Determines how rounded the corners of a category card will be."
      array(6) {
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          string(7) "#c1c1c1"
          string(5) "color"
          string(16) "Status bar color"
          string(65) "The color of the system status bar; affects Android devices only."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#FAFAFA"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Background"
          string(43) "The background color of the navigation bar."
        array(4) {
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          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Icon color"
          string(41) "The color of icons in the navigation bar."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#242424"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Text color"
          string(40) "The color of text in the navigation bar."
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#fff"
          string(5) "color"
          string(17) "Screen background"
          string(54) "The common background color of all screens in the app."
        array(4) {
          string(2) "16"
          string(6) "number"
          string(15) "Title text size"
          string(27) "The size of the title text."
      array(9) {
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#18d918"
          string(5) "color"
          string(18) "Primary CTA button"
          string(71) "The background color of the primary CTA button (such as 'Add to Cart')."
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#fff"
          string(5) "color"
          string(14) "CTA text color"
          string(57) "The text color of both primary and secondary CTA buttons."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#18d918"
          string(5) "color"
          string(21) "Secondary action text"
          string(43) "The color of sorting and filter links, etc."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#EAA944"
          string(5) "color"
          string(18) "Rating stars color"
          string(38) "The color of the rating icons (stars)."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#808080"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Text color"
          string(81) "Affects product descriptions, discussions, and other texts at the product screen."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#242424"
          string(5) "color"
          string(12) "Product name"
          string(50) "Determines color of product name and product price"
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#FAFAFA"
          string(5) "color"
          string(15) "Tabs background"
          string(0) ""
        array(4) {
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          string(5) "color"
          string(20) "Options border color"
          string(0) ""
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#989898"
          string(5) "color"
          string(18) ""Add image" button"
          string(58) "The color of the "plus" button for adding a product image."
      array(8) {
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#1fd01f"
          string(5) "color"
          string(13) "Success color"
          string(72) "The background color of a pop-up notification about a successful action."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#FCEADE"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Info color"
          string(63) "The background color of a pop-up notification with information."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#D9534F"
          string(5) "color"
          string(11) "Error color"
          string(61) "The background color of a pop-up notification about an error."
        array(4) {
          string(1) "8"
          string(6) "number"
          string(13) "Border radius"
          string(62) "Determines how rounded the corners of product borders will be."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#EAA944"
          string(5) "color"
          string(14) "Discount badge"
          string(68) "The background color of a badge with the amount of product discount."
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#FFF"
          string(5) "color"
          string(14) "Product border"
          string(60) "The color of a thin border around products on product lists."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#26323e"
          string(5) "color"
          string(24) "Push notifications color"
          string(28) "Color of push notifications."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#0085FE"
          string(5) "color"
          string(20) "Image slider bullets"
          string(40) "The color of bullets in image galleries."
      array(6) {
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#fff"
          string(5) "color"
          string(16) "Background color"
          string(17) "Background color."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#888888"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Text color"
          string(11) "Text color."
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#000"
          string(5) "color"
          string(19) "Selected text color"
          string(20) "Selected text color."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#888888"
          string(5) "color"
          string(10) "Icon color"
          string(11) "Icon color."
        array(4) {
          string(4) "#000"
          string(5) "color"
          string(19) "Selected icon color"
          string(20) "Selected icon color."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#FD542A"
          string(5) "color"
          string(19) "Primary badge color"
          string(46) "Color of the icon with the number of products."
      array(3) {
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#D6D6D6"
          string(5) "color"
          string(12) "Border color"
          string(28) "Border color for menu items."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#D3D3D3"
          string(5) "color"
          string(16) "Menu icons color"
          string(17) "Menu icons color."
        array(4) {
          string(7) "#424040"
          string(5) "color"
          string(15) "Menu text color"
          string(16) "Menu text color."
array(34) {
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  string(1) "0"
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  string(1) "0"
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  string(1) "0"
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  string(1) "0"
  string(8) "activity"
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
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  string(26) "Infringenment ​Policy​"
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Stock2cart.com is committed to removing infringing products from the site. To facilitate this, Stock2cart has put in place a ‘Stock2cart Infringement Verification’ process so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in Stock2cart's interest to ensure that infringing products are removed from the site, as they erode Buyer and Seller trust.


Stock2cart respects third party Intellectual Property rights and actively supports protection of all third party Intellectual Property including Copyrights and Trademarks (“IP”). It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged IP infringement.

If we receive proper notification of IP infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity.

How to report a listing

If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you may follow the below process: We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to infringement@stock2cart.com.The email should contain the below information.

  1. Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed.
  2. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on www.stock2cart.com with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  3. (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  4. Your address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
  7. Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement).
  8. Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)benefit.
" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(20) "Report Infringenment" ["meta_description"]=> string(20) "Report Infringenment" ["page_title"]=> string(20) "Report Infringenment" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["page_sitemap"]=> string(0) "" ["ab__custom_page_h1"]=> string(0) "" ["custom_header"]=> string(0) "" ["ab__emd_alternative_name"]=> string(0) "" ["seo_name"]=> string(20) "report-infringenment" ["seo_path"]=> string(0) "" ["poll"]=> bool(false) ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["ab__mcd_descs"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["main"]=> bool(true) ["title"]=> string(11) "Description" ["description"]=> string(3159) "


Stock2cart.com is committed to removing infringing products from the site. To facilitate this, Stock2cart has put in place a ‘Stock2cart Infringement Verification’ process so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in Stock2cart's interest to ensure that infringing products are removed from the site, as they erode Buyer and Seller trust.


Stock2cart respects third party Intellectual Property rights and actively supports protection of all third party Intellectual Property including Copyrights and Trademarks (“IP”). It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged IP infringement.

If we receive proper notification of IP infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity.

How to report a listing

If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you may follow the below process: We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to infringement@stock2cart.com.The email should contain the below information.

  1. Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed.
  2. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on www.stock2cart.com with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  3. (Note: stock2cart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
  4. Your address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
  7. Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement).
  8. Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)benefit.
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